The mission of the Office for Clinical Research Advancement is to provide guidance, tools, resources and facilitation to help FSU clinical researchers successfully navigate the life cycle of a study at any point, from conception and planning, implementation and execution, to analysis and publication of data and outcomes.
Envisioned as a central coordinating and support office for the diverse needs of clinical researchers across campus, OCRA is part of the Office of the Vice President for Research. We strive to be a "single point of contact" at FSU for locating and delivering what researchers need. If we don't have the expertise or answer, we will make it our job to find it for you!
OCRA is a strategic partner with the FSU College of Medicine to help support researchers across FSU engage in interdisciplinary clinical and translational research. For clinical research support services associated with the UF-FSU Clinical Translational Science Award-supported projects, please submit an NCRT-CE Support Request Form to contact the Network for Clinical Research, Training and Community Engagement team.